Downtown at European Researchers’ Night

On September 30 we had our activity at European Researchers’ Night. 23 kids came to play with Downtown in one of the laboratories of the Polytechnic School. Eleven came from Down Madrid in a bus that we chartered for it and another five came with Best Buddies. They were a couple of very intense hours. Among the volunteers of the UFV who generously dedicated their time , the kids, the relatives who came accompanying them and the monitors of Down Madrid we got together almost 50 people. Each kid, helped by a monitor or a volunteer, faced Malignus and the Metro de Madrid network aided by Ingenio,

We left the children playing with DT and the parents came to another room where with Mª Luisa Berdud (Coordinator of the ICT Service of Down Madrid) and Álvaro García Tejedor (Director of CEIEC) shared their experiences and good practices in the use of videogames as an element of leisure and as a way to improve and reinforce learning.

We were lucky to have a team from the RTVE news services that recorded images and interviews for the weekend newscasts. They were a long time with us and talked with researchers, parents and even some kids were in front of the camera.

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